…a house is not a home until you love where you live…

How to Make Effective Use of Your Guest Room

Guests. Whether welcome or not, guests will always find a way into your home. The question is – do you designate an entire room for the off chance of someone staying over every now and again? Is that your best use of space or could you do more with it?

Oftentimes, as homeowners, we aim to be sure to accommodate guests when necessary. Sometimes, it’s an old friend staying over for the weekend and others its extended family heading down for a long visit over the holidays. But have you ever counted the number of nights that your guest room is being used each year? 

Business gurus will often ask professionals to calculate the amount of time they spend at the office, at home and asleep. Challenging them to make better use of their time. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, right? 

Well, what about home design? Every room has the same 365 days in a year, right?

Making Better Use of Your Guest Room 

When it comes to better utilization of space, consider what you need or want most to do in your home. What is lacking? Do you have a private home office? Do you need a space for your kids to do homework or play so that they are not so loud in your main living areas? Do you need a place to train for that Ironman and would rather not spend an extra hour in traffic commuting to the gym? 

Consider converting your guest room into a space that can meet your needs on a more regular basis. 

At Debowsky Design Group, we work with our clients to design spaces that fit their lifestyles and needs. If you can dream it, we can design it. 

Lately, we’ve completed a number of room conversions that are designed to be multi-functional blending home offices with custom Murphy Bed installations, gyms with laundry facilities, we’ve even designed a few good dog showers into mudrooms and more. 

We hope you consider upgrading your guest room to something you can use more often. Because, otherwise and in the words of Matthew McConaughey, “it would be an awful waste of space.”