…a house is not a home until you love where you live…

Renovating Your Home For Aging-in-Place

Home trends are constantly changing, and no one trend fits all people equally. What can work for someone in their thirties may not be expedient for someone in their 50s and vice versa. That is why it is important to consider your needs and the things that make life easier for you.

Aging in place (AIP) renovation helps improve the home for premier quality of life. Geared toward empty nesters who look forward to retirement communities and leisure, AIP renovations help seniors get the most out of their homes while maintaining a sense of freedom and having the tools for sustained independence. 

Changes in the structure, size, and overall design can help any homeowner achieve a more user-friendly experience in their home that lasts for years to come. With many easy ways to remodel your home for aging in place, you can achieve comfort at its highest level.

Here are a few places to consider in your home renovation.

The Bathroom

One of the top areas where mobility can be challenged is in the bathroom. Small renovations like comfort-height toilets, bath bars, pull-out chairs, step-through tubs, and showers with no curbs can put safety at the forefront and put your mind at ease. 

Staircases or Areas with Steps

Stairs can and do present significant danger issues that can be even more challenging as you age. Consider adding a chair lift to an appropriate area (especially two-story homes) to help reduce the chances of falling or tripping. Additionally, exterior entry ramps can make outdoor time more accessible.

Door Chimes

Depending on the situation, if you have loved ones you might need to look out for or someone dealing with Alzheimer’s, an electronic door chime will help you tremendously. It sounds throughout the house whenever specific doors are open. It can also act as a backup security measure as well.

Lights Around the Home

As we age, our ability to see at night or in dark areas can become more difficult. For this reason, lighted switches and motion-activated lighting can help you stay safe and in control of where you are going with ease.

Also, consider lighted cover plates and outlets to find a switch if vision is extremely poor.

Let us know how we can help you transform your home into a user-friendly paradise. We’re always here to help.